Thought for the week

"Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him." Proverbs 30:5

Saturday 1 June 2024

#236 - ATCs - Woof

Hello everyone,
The new Challenge at Scrapping4funChallenges is live. 
The theme is an Anything Goes Challenge.  
I have created 8 ATC cards with images I have created. 
I used my Dymo Letra Tag for the sentiments.
You can find the images on my KO-FI Shop.

My Design Team creation for Scrapping4funChallenges.

Products used
💝 My doggy images
💝 Sentiments printed
💝 White Gelly pen
💝 Glossy Accents
💝 Nuvo Glitter pen
💝 Ribbon
💝 White Acrylic paint for splashes


  1. Fabulous ATC set and love the sentiments and cute doggie images.
    Carol x

    1. Hi Carol, thank you for your visit and lovely comment. Have a great week! Hugs Rachelle


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Hugs Rachelle